Enhancing mental well-being of students, parents, and teachers in 24 ashram shalas across the Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra.
2021 - Ongoing
Maharashtra, India
Prachi Khandeparkar
This program is based on the WHO’s framework of health-promoting schools. It is aimed at developing an enabling environment for the school to promote health among all school community members (i.e. students, teachers, staff, and parents). The School Health Promotion program intends to modify the school environment, for example to improve the school connectedness, improve the teacher-student relationship, to target multiple health outcome benefits, which are closely related to each other. It aims to reach everyone in the school and develop good links with the community it serves. It also strives for all stakeholders to have a sense of ownership and involvement in the process. The aims of the program are achieved through a combination of strategies which are delivered at three levels: Universal- impacting the whole school community, Group or class level and Individual. These include: developing social skills among adolescents, engaging adolescents in school-level decision making, providing factual information to adolescents on various health and health-related topics, and enhancing adolescents’ problem-solving skills.
Progress till date
Currently, the program is ongoing in 24 ASHRAMSHALAS. We cover 10,000 students, 700 teachers, and 48 wardens in the program.
Tribal Development Department (TDD), India
Participating Ashramshalas, Maharashtra, India