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iHEAR RainbowMed

Empowering educators in Western India with LGBTQIA+ inclusive healthcare.


2023 - 2024


Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Goa, India


Dr. Anant Bhan



iHEAR RainbowMed is aimed at providing comprehensive training to medical educators in the western region of India on LGBTQIA+ affirmative healthcare through a series of consultations and sensitisation workshops. This project aims to achieve the objective of LGBTQIA+ inclusive and affirmative healthcare in India and combat the health inequities faced by individuals from LGBTQIA+ communities.


Sangath's previous project TransCare MedEd developed competencies for trans-affirmative healthcare provision through regional workshops consisting of multidisciplinary stakeholders.

Community members who participated in the workshops in TransCare MedEd highlighted the need for the development and implementation of LGBTQIA+ affirmative competencies and to train medical college faculty who are sensitized to LGBTQIA+ issues to implement and teach these competencies.

Progress till date

We conducted a workshop with medical educators from Gandhi Medical College in Bhopal in February 2024 and sensitized them towards the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ community members. We also shared the competencies created and received feedback on the same.


  • Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India

  • University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

  • The University of Chicago, Illinois, USA


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