Community-based Psychological Treatment for Adolescents with Anxiety and Depression in India.
2022 - 2025
Goa and Jharkhand, India
Prof. Audrey Prost, Prof. Abhijit Nadkarni, Dr. Sachin Barbde
The MADAD (Mobilizing for Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents) project aims to provide evidence-based psychological support to adolescents in two settings in India - rural Jharkhand and Goa using peers as delivery agents. The intervention would be rigorously evaluated for feasibility and acceptability among adolescents aged 15-18 years in Goa.
Anxiety and depression are the leading causes of illness among adolescents around the world. To address the treatment gap for mental health concerns, having peers become non-specialist mental health care providers can be a feasible and effective approach to ensuring access to care for more adolescents, especially in under-resourced settings. The goal is to increase the number of adolescents in India who receive evidence-based treatment for anxiety and depression.
Progress till date
The formative research phase has been completed. To intervene in youth-centric and youth-informed situations, qualitative interviews were conducted with students in Goa to understand their expressions of distress and concerns and their preferences for a peer-delivered intervention. We are using these insights to adapt the WHO’s EASE intervention to be contextually appropriate. The pilot phase of the program is expected to begin by September 2024.
Ekjut, Jharkhand, India
University College London, UK
King’s College London, UK
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK