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Queer Chronicles

Developing queer health narratives.


2023 - Ongoing




Dr. Anant Bhan and Dr. Aniruddha Hazra



Queer Chronicles aims to bridge this gap by developing culturally appropriate teaching materials tailored to the Indian context. By collaborating with key stakeholders and utilizing their expertise, the project will create resources that align with the revised curricula and provide education on the unique healthcare needs and experiences of LGBTQIAP+ individuals. Through the dissemination of these materials and the promotion of awareness and understanding, the project seeks to empower healthcare professionals to deliver competent and inclusive care, reducing disparities and improving access to quality healthcare for the LGBTQIAP+ community in India. 


There is a significant dearth of culturally appropriate teaching materials to effectively educate and sensitize health professionals in line with these curricular changes. Queer Chronicles aims to bridge this gap by developing culturally appropriate teaching materials tailored to the Indian context. By collaborating with key stakeholders and utilizing their expertise, the project will create resources that align with the revised curricula and provide education on the unique healthcare needs and experiences of LGBTQIAP+ individuals. 

Progress to date: 

Queer Chronicles has completed the recruitment of the co-creators in the respective art-based method such as Reflective writing, Zine and Doodling, and Audio-visual narrative. The team successfully organized the orientation workshop in October in Delhi where 18 co-creators were introduced to the objective of the project and co-creators chose the methods they wanted to use to build the first-person narratives. They also met their respective mentors who guided them in creating the final outputs. One challenge that the team faced was dropping out of the co-creators. However, a new reflective writing mentor came on board and had a workshop on reflective writing in February, which was attended by 18 folks, and five of them decided to become part of the project. In December, January, and February audio-visual mentors completed the shooting of audio-visual narratives with the co-creators in Bangalore, and Delhi. On 2nd March, the team organized an end-term review meeting in which 10 c0-creators presented their drafts and got feedback from their peers, mentors, collaborators, and team members. One more in-person zine-making workshop has been scheduled for 24th March in Bhopal which will be moderated by Moon (doodling/zine-making mentor). Team members are currently working to edit the final versions of the audio-visual narratives. The dissemination event is scheduled for May.  


  • KMC Manipal, India

  • UCMS Delhi, India

  • The University of Chicago, US


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