Organisational Policies

Sangath’s Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy for Transgender and Intersex Persons

In December 2019, the Government of India, passed the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 which for the first time extended constitutional rights to persons identifying as transgender. The policy, and its linked rules which were released later in July 2020, mandates that every establishment publish an Equal Opportunity Policy for transgender persons. In line with this mandate, Sangath has formulated an equal opportunity policy for the trans community. Since the Act in its definition of transgender persons includes intersex persons as well, Sangath’s policy is titled ‘Sangath Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy for Transgender and Intersex Persons’. This policy will go a long way towards ensuring diversity and inclusivity in Sangath.

Organisations that would like to draft a similar policy as mandated under The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, may kindly use content from Sangath’s policy as a template with due acknowledgement to Sangath. If you would like a text/ Microsoft Word version of this document, or if you are planning to use this policy as a template– kindly get in touch with us at

Sangath’s Menstrual Leave Policy

Our menstrual leave policy provides staff members who menstruate the provision to take time-off or work from home for menstrual leave and menstrual discomfort.