
The PAHAL project aims to create an inclusive and comprehensive learning environment at Udaya Public School (UPS) in Ayodhya, where every student can reach their potential. The project builded upon Beyond Boundaries (BB), which works with schools in Goa to create an inclusive learning environment....

The proposed project aims to highlight global best practices in shared decision making for vulnerable communities and to create a set of core competencies on trans-affirmative healthcare in India through a series of regional workshops and a national conference....

Sangath’s Dementia Home Care project addressed the needs of people with dementia and also their caregivers. It was designed and evaluated by The Dementia Society of Goa. The intervention won the Fondation Mederic Alzheimer and Alzheimer Disease International Prize for the best psychosocial intervention in...

Sangath’s AMBIT project aims to make treatments accessible and acceptable for Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) in low resource settings in Goa. AMBIT is developing an effective psychosocial Brief Intervention (BI) to reduce alcohol consumption in Hazardous Drinkers (HD), which is contextually relevant and integrates technology...

PEERS aims to test a peer-supervision mobile application and understand the impact of this on the quality of therapy delivered by non-specialist community healthcare workers, and finally impact of improved therapy quality on patient outcomes....

Through PracticePal, a conversational agent (chatbot) is being developed, which will function as a ‘therapy aid’. The chatbot will act as a support to remind and encourage clients to complete activities assigned by counsellors (non-specialists) during their counselling sessions. It will also offer the clients...

The programme is based on the WHO’s framework of health promoting schools. It is adapted from the SEHER program and is aimed at developing an enabling environment the school to promote health among all school community members (i.e. students, teachers, staff, and parents). The program...

First six years after birth is a period of growth and development. By age six, the brain has developed to 90% of its adult size and the child’s early learning experiences lay the foundation for their growth. Positive experiences during early years directly impact potential...

The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis have harmed people’s mental health and have created additional barriers to seeking ongoing care for those who already suffer from mental illness or substance abuse disorders and worsen the existing mental illness as well. The project will...